What Is Executive Order 14067? (Part 1) | Does the Central Bank Digital Currency / Programmable Currency / Mark of the Beast / Social Credit Score System Begin On December 13th 2022?
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Are CBDCs Coming Soon? When Will the Chinese Style Social Credit Score System Be Implemented In the United States? Is America Sprinting Toward Programmable Money?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | A New Year's Message of HOPE + The Connection Between 5G, Luciferase, MIT, Quantum Dots, CBDCs, Epstein, Gates & Great Reset | “Don’t Be Scared, But Be Prepared.” - Dr. Stella Immanuel
ICE CUBE | "I'm Hoping People Wake Up Enough to At Least Slow It Down. They Want Centralized Digital Currency, They Want Everybody On a Social Credit Score System And They'll Probably Connect It to Some Sort of Vaccine App." Joe Rogan