1. riff of the day #074 - space prog? (featuring the Electro-Harmonix Bass 9)

    riff of the day #074 - space prog? (featuring the Electro-Harmonix Bass 9)

  2. Lord of the Riffs Collector of Souls Part 1 Chapter 1, Riff Challenge Collaboration

    Lord of the Riffs Collector of Souls Part 1 Chapter 1, Riff Challenge Collaboration

  3. riff of the day #046 - acoustic week - classical something

    riff of the day #046 - acoustic week - classical something

  4. riff of the day #035 - Carlos Santana’s favorite funk

    riff of the day #035 - Carlos Santana’s favorite funk

  5. riff of the day #076 - joni mitchell’s horror soundtrack parts 1 & 2

    riff of the day #076 - joni mitchell’s horror soundtrack parts 1 & 2

  6. riff of the day #055 - Spanish Beatles? - acoustic week 2

    riff of the day #055 - Spanish Beatles? - acoustic week 2

  7. riff of the day #066 - on the road w/ a Strumstick throwback (part 2 - Goin’ Home)

    riff of the day #066 - on the road w/ a Strumstick throwback (part 2 - Goin’ Home)

  8. riff of the day #075 - tracksuit folk (featuring the EHX Bass 9)

    riff of the day #075 - tracksuit folk (featuring the EHX Bass 9)