Topher Field | One of Australia's Leading Libertarian Political Commentator & Activist Shares About Living "Down Under" Under 23 Hour Per Day COVID-19 Lockdowns + Discover the Real History of the Super Bowl + Super Bowl or Superb Owl?
Great Reset | The Great Reset Versus Critical Thinking | What Critical Thinkers Endured During the COVID-19 Lockdowns, Mask Mandates, Social Distancing & mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology-Filled Vaccine Pushing
è muita cara de pau!!! "A OMS não impôs nada a ninguém durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Nem lockdowns, nem uso obrigatório de máscaras, nem vacinas obrigatórias. Não temos esse poder, não queremos e não estamos tentando obtê-lo."
Anthony Fauci Exposed AGAIN On Tucker | "Millions Died (from COVID-19) And We've Have Over 1,000 People Arrested for Milling Around the Capital (January 6th)." - Tucker Carlson + Dr. Mikovits + Dr. Bartlett | New Bat Lab In CO?