30 days to go. Desperate Democrats go nuts over Republicans' rejection to pass Democrats' bullshit spending: "President Musk said don't do it! Don't do it!..."
Rep. McCormick plays an audio recording of Fauci saying: "It's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated."
A Bullshit Artist Walz: "There’s no guarantee to free speech for hate speech." Fox News: Hate speech is protected by 1st Amd. Walz: "I've always defend your 1st Amd rights. It's something I've spent my whole life."
Biden makes up another bullshit for those who lost their homes in Florida: "I know from experience how devastating it is to lose your home" because I had to be "out of the home for 7 months" due to a small fire in the kitchen.