4 years ago千万个理由 10000 Reasons 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V043WT
4 years ago唯有耶稣 Jesus,You Can 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V057WT
4 years ago上帝能够God is Able Allah Sanggup诗歌钢琴伴奏Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词字幕WorshipTogetherWT V105WT
4 years ago一颗谦卑的心 A Humble Heart 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V053WT
4 years ago耶和华的膀臂环绕我 In His Arms of Love 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V090WT
4 years ago我的心你要称颂耶和华 Praise The Lord O My Soul 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogetherV058WT
4 years ago君王就在这里 Worthy Is the King 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词字幕WorshipTogetherWT V098WT
4 years ago从破碎到自由 Set Free From Brokenness 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover)歌词WorshipTogether V042WT
1 year agoOne man sings The Crucifixion - The Mystery of the Divine Humiliation - John StainerHolmesBaritone
4 years ago爱你到底 Love You Till the End 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V012WT
4 years ago满有能力 I Am Strengthened In Him 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V039WT
4 years ago彩虹下的约定 The Rainbow Covenant 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V007WT
4 years ago圣灵充满我 Fill Me with Holy Spirit 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V003WT
1 year agoOne man sings The Crucifixion - The Adoration of the Crucified - John StainerHolmesBaritone
4 years ago我要向高山举目 Lift My Eyes Onto The Mountains 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover)歌词WorshipTogether V030WT