22 hours agoMUST SEE: President Trump takes the podium to chants of “USA” at joint address to CongressRight Side Broadcasting NetworkVerified
16 hours agoChants of "USA! USA! USA!" broke out in Congress. All Democrats were silent.galacticstorm
12 hours agoTrump says Justin Trudeau and his friends broke the trade deal by allowing bio drugs ( Fentanyl ) to pour in to Canada and make its way to the USA from China killing both Canadians and people in the USA. This is in Trudeaus own words.NORTHAMERICANNEWS01
26 days agoZelenského poradce přiznal, že by bylo lepší, kdyby USA vstoupily do přímé války s Ruskem!AENews
14 hours agoTrump Must Pull The Usa Out Of Nato Right Now Before It's Too Late - The Trap Has Been Set!Patriots Base
15 days agoZelenský odhalil, že mezi USA a Ruskem se znovu jedná o Istanbulské smlouvě z roku 2022!AENews
8 days agoTrump says its true that 4 western provinces are ready to leave Canada and join the USA the first will be AlbertaNORTHAMERICANNEWS01
1 month agoSergej Lavrov povtrdil, že se mezi Ruskem a USA chystá Jalta 2.0 na euroasijském půdorysu!AENews
1 day agoDoug Ford to Cut the power to the USA , Electricity set to skyrocket in the USA, at your Cost.Mike Martins ChannelVerified
7 days agoNach mehreren "Trump-Plaza" in den USA: US-Präsident kündigt "Trump-Gaza" in Palästina anRT DEVerified
3 hours agoTrump Must Pull The Usa Out Of Nato Right Now Before It's Too Late - The Trap Has Been Set!Patriots Base 🦅 🇺🇸 ⚔️
2 hours agoTrump Must Pull The Usa Out Of Nato Right Now Before It's Too Late - The Trap Has Been Set!BQ PQLNY
3 months agoTrumpův senátor prohlásil, že USA financují na Ukrajině patovou válku a je třeba ji ukončit!AENews