7 months agoJan 20 2020 Seattle 1.3 Seattle Antifa Man is Yelling 'Drop Dead and Die' at Black Trump Supporters.Documenting Antifa Violence
7 months agoJan 5 2020 Seattle 1.8 Antifa militants hit and confronted Elijah Schaffer at the Seattle protest.Documenting Antifa Violence
7 months agoJan 20 2020 Seattle 1.1 Seattle Antifa Militants at Event Hosted by Black Trump SupportersDocumenting Antifa Violence
7 months agoJan 20 2020 Seattle 1.2 Seattle Antifa chanting ACAB and cop and klan go hand in handDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.8 A group of Antifa walks past tourists visiting SeattleDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoAug 13 2017 seattle 1.2 antifa chanting 'Cops and Klan - Hand in Hand!'Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.6 antifa with a gun talking about rapist and stuffDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.2 Antifa throws glitter bomb at march against Sharia protestorsDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.1 Antifa show up at the march against ShariaDocumenting Antifa Violence
8 months agoOct 27 2019 Seattle antifa group Refuse Fascism call trump facist for killing the ISIS CaliphDocumenting Antifa Violence
7 months agoJan 5 2020 Seattle 1.6 antifa start hitting, kicking police car and police move in to stop them 2Documenting Antifa Violence
2 months agoExtremely tense scene in Seattle after Antifa militants surrounded a police cruiser in an alley.Wallamphang
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.11 Antifa with gun gets arrested for attacking trump supportersDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.7 Police continue to move Antifa back, will be arrested if they don't moveDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.5 police pushing back ANTIFA with bikes so the march can startDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.3 Police separate the two crowds after Antifa glitter bombDocumenting Antifa Violence