1. His Name Is The Lord | with Lyrics | Based on Psalm 68 (NLT) | Female Christian Songs

    His Name Is The Lord | with Lyrics | Based on Psalm 68 (NLT) | Female Christian Songs

  2. Psalm 68 v1-4 &18-20 of 35 "May God arise and may his foes be scattered" To: Solid Rock. Sing Psalms

    Psalm 68 v1-4 &18-20 of 35 "May God arise and may his foes be scattered" To: Solid Rock. Sing Psalms

  3. Psalm 107: 27-29 of 43 "They reel and stagger like one drunk" Scottish Psalter. Tune: Newington

    Psalm 107: 27-29 of 43 "They reel and stagger like one drunk" Scottish Psalter. Tune: Newington

  4. Todays Verse: Psalm 34:18 KJV:

    Todays Verse: Psalm 34:18 KJV:
