13 days to go. A world class jerk Biden insults a reporter for asking "Do you still believe Trump is a threat to democracy?": "I know more world leaders than any one of you ever met in your whole goddamn life... Not a joke."
You can't make this shit up. World leaders at G20 take the group photo without Biden, then walk off: "Where's Biden?.. Oh, my God... Do you see him, Joe?.. Far left, left... To the left of the palm tree. Oh, my God..."
PETE HEGSETH: "In a world where America is $37 trillion in debt, resources will not be unlimited — so every dollar we can find that isn't being spent wisely is one we can put toward warfighters”
The end of this nightmare can't come soon enough: Creepy Joe seems confused about how in the world he missed the group photo at the G20 Summit in Brazil, then shuffles away.
39 days until the end of Democrats' insanity in Washington DC: "Women's Health Research creates treatments specifically for women & men. This changes the world of women's health forever. We can change things fundamentally."
Biden Clown Show: "Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world... we created over 14 million brand new jobs... I cut the federal deficit by over $7 billion!... Congressman Trump..."
Kamala at the debate: "And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world." Deployed Military: "So where the fuck are we right now?"