4 years agoBlood, plasma, blood stem cell donations at a critical need across the countryWMARVerified
3 years ago2021 MAY 20 The American Red Cross says you cannot donate Blood Plasma if you've had the vaccineFour Corner Ministries News through a Christian Filter
7 months agoGraphene Oxide Threads And Clusters Impact on Negative Surface Charge or Zeta Potential of Blood CellsDrRobertYoung
2 years agoDARPA Plasma Weapons of Mass Destruction. This is HOW They Melt Cars in the CA FirestormsTheWarAgainstYou
6 months agoWHO's private concerns over AIDS and chimpanzee-plasma derived vaccinesNon-profit fact-finding missions
9 months agoDis-Ease X - Biochips Viewed in the Unchanged Live Blood Viewed Under pHase Contrast, Darkfield & Brightfield Microscopy - Have YOU Been Biochipped?DrRobertYoung