The Never-Ending Grift: Natalie Winters Exposes Hunter Biden's Key Ownership In Healthcare Business That's Received Federal Grants DIRECTLY From Joe Biden
NEVER Give RiffRaff the Time of Day Until They Return to Their Authenticity. Until Then They Are Non-Existent! #DELETE | Radio Host GOES OFF on Propagandist Reporter, Gives the Facts, and LEAVES (Just as He Should!)
Never EVER Let a Sold Soul Step Away with Their Illuminati Propaganda/Lies as if Real. SQUASH THEM. Embarrass Them. WHY Should They You? | President Trump Destroys Bloomberg Editor in Chief to His Face—And the Audience is Loving it!
GET TO KNOW YOUR SHERIFF. Cuz When You're Tired of This Crap This is What the Scene Looks Like—Not Because You Can't Do Better, But You Never Do. Humans Wait Til the Last Minute and Corner Themselves into the TOUGHEST Timelines. So, Be Ready!!
Disgraceful! Unbelievable! UNACCEPTABLE! Unless for Research Purposes STOP fu"Q"ing with Your Own Psyche; Never Mind the British People's Psyche! The Mental Gymnastics These People Play is Not 5D Chess, But an Insult to Your Consciousness.