3 years ago隣 - neighbouring/next to/next-door neighbour- Learn how to write Japanese Kanji 隣 -hananonihongo.comhananonihongo
1 month ago"If you can get people to share a car, you can take out a lot of cars in the streets."Knowledge Revolution
1 year agoFAMINE IS COMING TO THE WORLD: FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS & STARVATION. “The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you”...YAHAWASHI IS KING!!🕎2 Esdras 16;17-37 “millions perish of famine”RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
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3 years agoI let a few tumble weeds grow out this year, so I could give me neighbour's a tasty summer treat.Trandanghung89
3 years ago#LittleHanifamustGetJustice -MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD BY HER SCHOOL PROPRIETOR !dlighthousefamily
1 year agoDisarming a blunt weapon during a chaotic neighbour fight | RVFK self-protectionRVFK - Self-Protection