If You’re Looking for a Fortune Teller—That’s unFortunate. No Matter How Good They Are They Cannot be Tested for You [in Your Place]. A Lesson Not Learned is to Repeat the Lesson, Thus There is No “Best Paths” without Having Earned it!
EXPLOSION at NYC Con Ed Power Plant! — Get to Where You Need to be BASED on What Your Intuition Reveals to You, NOT NECESSARILY Reports Like This. You’re Being Tested This Era of Aquarius and Those Evolved in Their Psyche, AS REQUIRED, Will Fair Best!
Quicken the Harmony Between You Both by Allowing Them Their Path of Experiential Learning Rather Than Over-Insisting They do it Your Way. ONE [EVEN NO] SUGGESTION IS ENOUGH. | Bashar on Why There’s No Need for That, Nor is it in Their Best Interest!