Simple google results of Vaccine 💉 ingredients takes 2 minutes has anyone you know that is Jabbed even looked into what they are putting in there body?
Great Reset | "We Got to Do Alot of Epic SH$% When I Was At DARPA. What We Plan to Do Is to Advance A Tattoo That Could Be Used for Authentication. Vitamin Authentication? This Pill Has a Small Chip Inside of It." - Google's Regina Dugan
"Safe and Effective" - The FDA Was Presented With Tens of Thousands of Adverse Events While Approving the COVID Jab "These are tens of thousands of people hurt or missing... serious outcomes... This was private; they didn't tell us.
Yuval Noah Harari | "Your Smartphone Can Be Monitoring Your Behavior & What Is Happening Inside of Your Body.Google Has New Applications That Diagnose Depression or Stress Simply by Monitoring the Words That You Are Searching Online."
🔺Pfizer’s trials show that natural immunity is 100% effective 🔺Decrease in white blood cells were observed after dose 1, (immune system attack) 🔺Adverse events were MORE SEVERE in the younger age group