8 months ago1995 testimony before the US Senate: "we manipulate the weather, or can create storms or earthquakes > weather weapons of war for the NWODUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔
2 years agoMagnetic Pole Shift Ionosphere Effect, Electric Aurora | S0 News Nov.21.2022MadMalloyVerified
2 years agoElectric Volcanos, Galactic Magnetic Reversal, Coronal Hole | S0 News Aug.3.2022MadMalloyVerified
1 year agoElectric Climate, Pre-Earthquake Signals, Plasma Surge | S0 News Aug.22.2023MadMalloyVerified
1 year agoMagnitude 7.6 earthquake strikes Japan, tsunami warning issued! Damage reports are still coming in!EndofDaysSurvival
1 year agoSolar Watch, 1500 Year Cycle Signal, Pre-Earthquake EM | S0 News June.22.2023MadMalloyVerified
2 years agoIn terms of features, the electric engine can't be realized. I think it's good to have a batteryUjieeos
1 year agoBig Solar Eruption, Earthquake Watch, Nova Remnant. Suspicious0bservers News Oct.27.2023TheWarAgainstYou
2 years agoSolar-Earth Electric Mission, Cycles, Space Weather | S0 News Nov.17.2022MadMalloyVerified
2 years agoSolar Control, Natures Electric Grid, Spiraling Stars | S0 News Sep.9.2022MadMalloyVerified
2 years agoSun Erupts Toward Earth, Big Earthquake & Tsunami Warning | S0 News Nov.11.2022MadMalloyVerified
2 years agoIn terms of features, the electric engine can't be realized. I think it's good to have a batteryiukkowppqd