ReAwaken America Tour Updates | 24 Tickets Remain for ReAwaken America Tour Miami (May 12th & 13th)!!! Tour Features: Gen Flynn, Julie Green, Dr. Immanuel, E Trump, Stone, Nunes, Patel, Navarro, Lara Trump, Breuer, Feucht, Lindell, Team America, etc
The Great Reset | "(2002) UNC Filed a Patent On An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus, That Is Supposed to Target Human Cells In a Way That Can Put a Switch Inside of That Thing to Harm the Human Heart & Lung." Dr. Martin
Vivek Ramaswamy | "Vivek Ramaswamy Is the Guy Who Funded Arbutus & Acuitas. So We Have a Republican Candidate for President Who Is Using for His Campaign Money He Made On His Interest In Every Shot That Was Delivered." - Dr. David Martin
CBDCs | "CBDCs, The Implications for Freedom and Privacy Are Frightening. With CBDCS If You Have Undesirable Political Views You Might Not Be Able to Access Your Money Since Traditional Cash Will Be Outlawed." - Steve Forbes