COVID-19 Shots | CBDCs | Why Did 3 Former Presidents Team Up to Encourage Every American to Put the mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology Filled COVID-19 Shots Into Their Bodies? What Is the Connection Between Quantum Dots and the QUANT CBDC Technology?
Mark of the Beast | How Quant-Based CBDCs, 5G, COVID-19 Shots, Luciferase-Based Biosensors, Injectable mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, CRISPR, Quantum Dots, Quantum Computers & CERN Have Been Created to Enslave Humanity NOW (See Show Description)
CBDCs & The Great Reset | Could There Be a Connection Between Those Two?! Understanding the Connection Between Central Bank Digital Currencies, Transhumanism, the COVID-19 mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology Shots and BRICS
(SATAN HIMSELF) Gates’ visit to Australia was with representatives of the Gates Foundation his Breakthrough Energy company, which “drives innovation in sustainable energy and in technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
B.C. CANADA: Liberal Minister for Mental Health and Addictions @YaaraSaks supports prescribing fentanyl to children without parental consent as part of the so-called “safe supply” experiment.
Dr. Robert Malone | Dr. Judy Mikovits Has 5 Questions for Dr. Robert Malone | Why Did Dr. Robert Malone Create mRNA Technology & Is Dr. Malone Part of NIH ACTIV?
Doctor Robert Malone | "One of the Transformational Points In Time for This Technology Was When DARPA Decided to Issue a Large Contract, a Series of Contracts to Enable the Development of mRNA and Specifically mRNA Use for Vaccine Purposes."