Dem Pelosi wants Jan 6 protesters stay in prison for the "violent language" against her & blames Trump for her husband injury: "He called out to these people to continue their violence. My husband being a victim of all of that."
Biden snaps at reporters while complaining about “disinformation” on his response to Hurricane and blaming Trump: "Are you kidding me?! Mister President Trump, get life, man, help this people."
50 days to go: Creepy Joe has the nerve to advise Trump on what to do and blames media for reporting only bad news while saying he doesn't blame them, and other nonsense...
You can't make this shit up: Biden makes a bizarre joke about his uncle eaten by cannibals, a reporter asks why Biden does that, Biden's Press Sec scolds the reporter for making a joke about Biden's joke and... blames Trump.
Adam Carolla roasts Covid Dictator Dem Newsom: "Why did you shut the beaches during Covid…?" "We didn't know…" "If you didn't know anything… why did you shut the beaches…?" Eventually Newsom blames Trump.
Q: "As a candidate, Biden was telling people to come to the border - so what changed since then?" Biden's Press Sec: "I don't understand, what do you mean?.. I don’t have the context," - anyway blames Trump and GOP.