Trump haters' paranoia on a new level: MSNBC host Joy Reid advises to stay away from pro Trump family members since they ended democracy and may turn you in.
VP Kamala: "We've reduced heating & electricity bills so folks have more money in their pocket to buy things like school supplies, replace the dishwasher or take a family vacation."
Biden's Press Sec goes on the offensive in response to a reporter on possibility of Biden family possessing cocaine: "To ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible."
Press Sec on China payments to Biden family members: "It's been lies and lies and inaccuracy for years and years and years... I don't even know where to begin."
Trump's niece who can't forgive her grandpa for giving business to Donald over her father, so she hates her family: "Donald has severe psychiatric disorders for decades & is becoming more delusional due to the success of Kamala."
Unity. This Democrat who is still not sure what gender he is advices other Democrats: "Cut off contact with family members just because they are voting for Trump. They don't get your loving presence. It's over & they are gone."
Biden Clown Show: "The pack that means monthly saypens... I say to every young man, marry into a family with 5 or more daughters... after I signed the packandumpackatlike act into law."