3 months agoSebastian Gorka Reveals How President Trump Rejects the Swamp Status QuoBreitbartVerified
4 months agoBombshell: FEMA ordered not to assist MAGA households. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
7 months agoGORKA: Takeaways after the shooting of President Donald Trump.AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
1 month agoWanda BUK, prawniczka z Łodzi, córka generała, który zginął w katastrofie samolotu razem z Lechem Kaczyńskim. Wanda zasłynęła w Polsce jako ekspertka od "bezpieczeństwa sieci 5G", głosząc dezinformację na temat tej technologii, o kPlan ludobójstwa
3 months agoPray for Dennis Prager please. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
1 year agoFormer Trump Advisor Sebastian Gorka Drops Clues on Trump's Potential NextThe Gateway PunditVerified
5 months agoCórka Billa Gatesa twierdzi, że przyjaciele odrzucili ją, ponieważ jej ojciec zabił miliony ludzi szPlan ludobójstwa
4 months agoWhen a Democrat caller admits they escaped the asylum. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
4 months agoThere's no way I'm letting this caller live on the air. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
6 months agoNick Fuentes: The fake MAGA Fed. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
4 years agoWhy they stormed Congress. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
5 months agoZ ostatniej chwili... córka znajomej z Wrocławia 2 godziny po HPV zemdlała, ma uszkodzeniaPlan ludobójstwa
1 year agoGeneral John Kelly is traitorous SCUM. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
4 years agoSend your thanks to the President. Sebastian Gorka with Grant Stinchfield on NewsmaxAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
5 months ago"I'm gay and I'm voting for Donald Trump." Caller Darren with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
7 months agoThe Attempted Assassination of President Trump was expected. Seb Gorka on NEWSMAXAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
24 days agoVEVOR Cork Board 24 x 18 inches Double-sided Bulletin Board with MDF ReviewWizard Review Vevor
4 months agoNot voting for Trump? Then you're desecrating her memory. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
1 year agoIs the AR-15 pistol brace ban dead? Aidan Johnston with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FirstAMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified