4 months agoBrooke's Pink Pajama Fun Preview 4K HD #BrookeMarsden #marsdenitApartment Girls Lingerie - NSFW
1 year ago#Nurse speaks her #Truth about #bellspalsy & #healthcare industry - via #BannedVideo @daamntalk5153short episodic videos highlighting intriguing happenings on a semi-regular basis. It's also a community held at locals . com
2 years agoStudy out of Sweden shows/demonstrates that the Pfizer vaccine installs DNA into the human genome.The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoPfizer CEO Bourla on why we should get vaccinated (Reciting their old narrative!)The Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years ago“Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science,” Fauci saidThe Greatest Medical Fraud
2 years agoFauci on Breakthrough infection, "Vaccinated person can transmit the virus"The Greatest Medical Fraud
1 year agoHey globalists You overplayed your hand. We see you. We know your plans. Guess what……BANNEDVIDEO
1 year agoFather reads out pornographic materials for 10 YO from a school book to the school boardBANNEDVIDEO