3 years agoTM Help Desk | How to buy Back to the Melchizedek Future book with Lulu instead of AmazonTeshuvah Ministries, Inc.
2 years agoTaken to Heaven RAPTURE IS BEFORE the 7 YEAR Tribulation Period #leftbehind #rapture #shorts #sixthsealBOOK OF REVELATION COMMENTARY
12 days agoIn Scotland if the wrong person sees or hears you praying in your own home you're breaking the lawlevtcs
17 days agomedicare pharmacy benefits manager percentage on every insurance paid imatinib (gleevec) medicationlevtcs
17 days agousaid 46 million palestinian water pipe project that always burst every couple of dayslevtcs
13 days agonascent sanhedron invited Pres Trump support creation international divine court on 7 noah hide lawslevtcs
13 days agorocket thrust stops working with no opposing force - nasa never show forward facing camera shotslevtcs
21 days agotax attorney Peter Gibbons - congress tried to enact income tax in 1894 unconstitutionallevtcs