1. Gojo Meets Kid Megumi | Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 5 | 4K 60FPS | English Sub

    Gojo Meets Kid Megumi | Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 5 | 4K 60FPS | English Sub

  2. Fake Geto Reveals who he Truly is Kenjaku ! #anime #jujutsukaisen #shorts #manga #gojo #reaction

    Fake Geto Reveals who he Truly is Kenjaku ! #anime #jujutsukaisen #shorts #manga #gojo #reaction

  3. Gojo Turns into the flash and COMMITS MASS GENOCIDE THIS SCENE IS CRAZY #reaction #shorts #anime

    Gojo Turns into the flash and COMMITS MASS GENOCIDE THIS SCENE IS CRAZY #reaction #shorts #anime

  4. BRUTAL One of the most Brute Anime Episodes EVER Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 9 Reaction #shorts

    BRUTAL One of the most Brute Anime Episodes EVER Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 9 Reaction #shorts
