26 days agoThe Stikini - a terrifying Florida owl monster of Native American Seminole folkloreHiddenHistoryChannel
14 days agoThe Qallupilluit - child stealing monster of Inuit Native American folkloreHiddenHistoryChannel
2 years agoA boo hag is a mythical creature in the folklore of the Gullah culture. It is a locally createdThe Audible Wiki Factory
2 years agoA Pukwudgie, also spelled Puk-Wudjie, is a human-like creature of Wampanoag folklore, found inThe Audible Wiki Factory
2 years agoJacques St. Germain is a legendary vampire originating in the folklore of 20th century NewThe Audible Wiki Factory
1 year agoIn Russian and Turkic Folklore the Hyperboreans who escaped Hyperborea were known as Chudeskiy Narodzacharydenman
2 years agoIn British folklore, the Beast of Bodmin Moor, is a phantom wild cat purported to live inThe Audible Wiki Factory
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