4 years agoPrivate prosecution meant to embarrass Bizos family - attorney (Efp)AfricanNewsAgencyVerified
3 years agoBurt's Knights and eFP Battle Group Lithuania go head to head in Eager LeopardMilitary Chronicles
2 months agoQassam vs IDF in Jabaliya: Fighter wires up a Shawaz EFP then detonates itConcerned for Truth
8 months agoGold/Silver trader & 2010 whistleblower Andrew McGuire says the Chinese are currently buying the PHYSICAL GOLD & the Indians are buying the PHYSICAL SILVER right out of the back door of the COMEX.Libertarian99
7 months agoფეისბუქი. Shock Wave Dynamics-ის წარმოების უკრაინული FPV-დრონები საბრძოლო მუხტეგბით. 02. 04. 2024realtoma