3 months agoStatement Dragi Zmijanac Founder&President of the First Children's Embassy in the World MEGJASHIChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoDragi Zmijanac, MA - Advocacy and Children's Rights DefenderFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 month agoСветски ден на детето. World Children's Day. Изјави/Statements: Kailash Satyarthi & Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
3 months agoThe abolition of the chemical castration of pedophiles has raised the public! Guest Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoSтatement Dragi Zmijanac TV SITEL Violence and Fight among young people in MacedoniaChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
4 months agoAward Angel of the Year 2008 Interview with Dragi Zmijanac TV ALSAT - MFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoDragi Zmijanac, MA – Përfaqësues dhe Mbrojtës i të Drejtave të FëmijëveFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoHemiska kastracija za pedofilite i centralen register Izjava Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoAward Angel of the Year 2008 Interview with Dragi Zmijanac TV ALSAT - MChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
1 year agoReagon ambasada “Megjashi” për keqpërdorimin e të miturës nga TetovaFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoAppeal on the occasion of the youth demonstrations TV 24casa 13.6.2011 Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
8 months agoMegjashi alarmon për gjendjen psikologjike të fëmijëve në Maqedoni,First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
8 months agoMegjashi alarmon për gjendjen psikologjike të fëmijëve në Maqedoni,ChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
3 months agoHalf of children in the world experience some form of violence Dragi Zmijanac FounderChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
3 months agoStatement Dragi Zmijanac Founder and President of the First Children's Embassy in the World MegjashiFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoDragi Zmijanac President First Children Embassy in the World Megjashi IC "Create Your Place to Grow"First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoMrs.Erdogan and Mrs. Gruevska Visit the Children's EmbassyFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year agoEmine Erdoğan, wife of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey visit MegjashiFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
8 months agoDhuna nga bashkëmoshatarët po ndodh gjithnjë e më shumëFirst Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi
1 year ago31 years of the First Children's Embassy Megjashi Interview Dragi ZmijanacChildrensEmbassyMegjashi
8 months ago„Водич за улогата на родителите во превенција и справување со насилство во училиштата“.First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi