Genius Kamala makes another historic statement: "It makes economic and financial sense for us to do this work because the bottom line — and yes, the bottom line, I speak in economic terms!"
Biden says he has to lie about his 'progress' because otherwise Americans' economic outlooks are "locked in the fear of negative mindset," not because the inflation and overall prices are up.
Q: Can you explain how are you going to pay for your economic policies? Kamala: "Just look at it in terms of what we are talking about... what that will do and what will pay for will be tremendous we've seen it when we did it..."
It's Only EVER Been About You! This Democrat is Hardly Acting Like a Democrat. "Patriots" and "Truthers" Act More Like Democrats, Dependent and Waiting for "White Hats" to Save Them. #Ridiculous! LEARN TO FISH.
You can't make this shit up: Biden's economic advisor turns into bumbling mess after he's asked why the government borrows money if they can just keep printing it.
Silicon Valley Bank Collapse | "This Is the Silicon Valley Bank. This Is All Often Times the Democrat ATM Bank." - Maria Teresa Kumar (NBC News Contributor)