Elon Musk | "My First Guest (Elon Musk) Is the Man Who Is Currently Working On Connecting the Human Brain Directly to Computers." - Bill Maher + "Ultimately, Achieve A Symbiosis With Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is Revolutionizing the Life Sciences. And This Gives Some People Like Elon Musk, the Fantasy, to Redesign Human Beings. Like Elon Musk Has Neuralink Which Is All About Connecting Brains & Computers."
COVID-19 Shots | "Human Cells Were Meant to Make Human Proteins. The Lipid Nano Particles Are Toxic. The Spike Proteins from the Shots Are Toxic. We Cannot Afford to Alter the Immune System of Humanity Moving Forward." - Dr. Ryan Cole
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? | "What Is It That Inhibits Human Machine Symbiosis? It's the Data Rate. The Idea Behind Neuralink Is to Try to More Tightly Couple the Collective Human World to Digital Super Intelligence." - Elon
CBDCs | "If You Look At What's Happening with TWITTER. That Is Going to Be a Payments System. That's the Start of a New Human to Human Way to Do Payments." - Gilbert Verdian (CEO / Founder of Quant CBDC Technology)