7 years agoCompany Employed Gangster Cats For Their Commercial And It's The Funniest ThingrumblestaffVerified
1 month agoYou won't belive what Kanye West did after his Super Bowl commercial. Funny Sarcastic NewsSUPERTOPNEWS
1 month agoYou won't belive what Kanye West did after his Super Bowl commercial. Funny Sarcastic NewsSUPERTOPNEWS
5 months agoTrump did a commercial for a computer company in the 90s - Funny huh!NewsVariableVerified
8 months agoExplicit Gun Accessory Commercial May Be the Most Ludicrously Entertaining EverTheLibertyDailyVerified
3 years agoFunny Things - Funny Videos - Commercial TV Extrememly Sexy from Russian Flirt Vodkaodka Alaskasmanamul