1. Finding duplicate values in a SQL table

    Finding duplicate values in a SQL table

  2. Gcloud Export to Google Storage from Cloud SQL instance as sql file

    Gcloud Export to Google Storage from Cloud SQL instance as sql file

  3. SQL Query to extract the numbers before a specific word

    SQL Query to extract the numbers before a specific word

  4. The Surprising Reasons Why Many People Struggle to Learn Power BI

    The Surprising Reasons Why Many People Struggle to Learn Power BI

  5. Unveiling the Vulnerabilities: Attacking Teamspeak3 Voice Servers | https://lkxstress.su/

    Unveiling the Vulnerabilities: Attacking Teamspeak3 Voice Servers | https://lkxstress.su/

  6. SQL Server Clustered index considerably slower than equivalent non-clustered index

    SQL Server Clustered index considerably slower than equivalent non-clustered index

  7. FREE FULL COURSE Full Stack Web Development Foundations: Scratch to Advanced

    FREE FULL COURSE Full Stack Web Development Foundations: Scratch to Advanced

  8. Connect to SQL Server running on Windows host from a WSL 2Ubuntu sqlcmd

    Connect to SQL Server running on Windows host from a WSL 2Ubuntu sqlcmd

  9. Cannot connect with SSMS to SQL Server on Docker

    Cannot connect with SSMS to SQL Server on Docker

  10. Can run query parallel in SQL

    Can run query parallel in SQL

  11. Oracle SQL code cannot fetch unique columns- A lot of duplicate data in the Output

    Oracle SQL code cannot fetch unique columns- A lot of duplicate data in the Output

  12. Metadata update statement is not allowed by the current database SQL dialect 1

    Metadata update statement is not allowed by the current database SQL dialect 1

  13. Hive SQL is giving extraneous input ',' expecting ')' error

    Hive SQL is giving extraneous input ',' expecting ')' error

  14. Export specific rows from a PostgreSQL table as INSERT SQL script

    Export specific rows from a PostgreSQL table as INSERT SQL script

  15. Enable binary mode while restoring a Database from an SQL dump

    Enable binary mode while restoring a Database from an SQL dump

  16. Does SQL Server Offer Anything Like MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

    Does SQL Server Offer Anything Like MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

  17. Date filter in sql query to get today value

    Date filter in sql query to get today value

  18. Delete sql rows where IDs do not have a match from another table

    Delete sql rows where IDs do not have a match from another table

  19. delete duplicate rows in sql less than max value

    delete duplicate rows in sql less than max value

  20. Creating ASP.NET Core SQL Cache table

    Creating ASP.NET Core SQL Cache table

  21. SoftwareTechIT App : Discover the Future of Tech: SoftwareTechIT Redefines Possibilities!

    SoftwareTechIT App : Discover the Future of Tech: SoftwareTechIT Redefines Possibilities!

  22. CopyPaste Delete option not working in SQL Management Studio

    CopyPaste Delete option not working in SQL Management Studio

  23. How to get sum of a column based on the values of two columns in SQL

    How to get sum of a column based on the values of two columns in SQL

  24. SQL LIKE operator not working for commaseparated lists

    SQL LIKE operator not working for commaseparated lists
