1. A spectacular light And sound show #toweroflondon

    A spectacular light And sound show #toweroflondon

  2. changing of the guards tower of london #toweroflondon

    changing of the guards tower of london #toweroflondon

  3. buckingham palace trooping of the colour #buckinghampalace

    buckingham palace trooping of the colour #buckinghampalace

  4. Morar em Londres? Se esbalde no Borough Market, Tower Bridge

    Morar em Londres? Se esbalde no Borough Market, Tower Bridge

  5. Many times tourist show disrespect to the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    Many times tourist show disrespect to the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  6. Guard shows gòod control with restless horse #horseguardsparade

    Guard shows gòod control with restless horse #horseguardsparade

  7. Belgium parade remembering the war dead #london

    Belgium parade remembering the war dead #london

  8. The woman in red was disrespectful #horseguardsparade

    The woman in red was disrespectful #horseguardsparade

  9. Met police officers on horseback pose for phot shoot the mall trooping the colour #metpolice

    Met police officers on horseback pose for phot shoot the mall trooping the colour #metpolice

  10. China Town new year celebration london #horseguardsparade

    China Town new year celebration london #horseguardsparade

  11. The King's guard Every one wants a selfie #horseguardsparade

    The King's guard Every one wants a selfie #horseguardsparade

  12. Solider and kings guard keeps the horse kalm save our XL Bullys protest returns #horseguardsparade

    Solider and kings guard keeps the horse kalm save our XL Bullys protest returns #horseguardsparade
