6 months agoVeamos cómo se elimina el óxido de grafeno ¡sólo con la oración! (Revised 2024)RealGeneDecodeVerified
3 years agoI Tested Positive For COVID, Faced Hospitalization If Not For "The Kitchen Sink" PrescriptionsTimcastVerified
1 year agoCulture War | Guest: John Leake | The Courage to Face Covid 19 Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex | Dr. Peter McCullough | Courageous DiscourseMoms on a Mission
3 years agoBOMBSHELL: THIS Is What They DON”T WANT YOU TO SEE With Hospitalization Rates IN THE VACCINATED!!!PressForTruth
3 years agoI Tested Positive For COVID, Faced Hospitalization If Not For "The Kitchen Sink" PrescriptionsTimcastVerified
2 years agoCanadian Doctors Speak Out - New Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed Hospitalization & Death RatesRight2Freedom
2 months ago#luisdealba Es Hospitalizado de Emergencia. #BradPitt Y #AngelinaJolie Y La Oferta millonaria!arista99
2 years ago8.1.22: NWO on full DISPLAY! We SEE IT, the OLD Guard is flailing & desperate. Stay informed! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago"Fully Vaxed" In Scotland: 2X COVID Risk, 25% Increase In Hospitalization & 40% More Likely To DieTheLastAmericanVagabondVerified
3 years agoDEMOCRAT Governor Says Hospitalization Numbers May Be INFLATED | Ep 929The News & Why It MattersVerified