3 years agoBraid, Mono, Floro ... What's the difference? Wich fishing line should I use?Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoHow a blind guy melts aluminum cans into ingots with muffin pans! Metal melting and pouring!Infantry Outdoors
4 years agoHow to use a flint and steel to make a camp fire. Basic fire making 101!!!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoHow a blind guy melts aluminum cans into ingots with muffin pans! Metal melting and pouring!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoWhat is your favorite spring activity? Tell us the best thing about spring!Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoWhat's your favorite lure? How do you fish it? Let's talk confidence lures.Infantry Outdoors
3 years agoCobbler Cooking Live! Lets talk cast iron cooking. Making cobbler while we chat!Infantry Outdoors
4 years agoBass365 The newest fishing app for anything outdoors. Talk with Capt. Mikey Moser about the new app!Infantry Outdoors