1 year agoBEN BIKMAN | FULL SET: key points! KETONES: brains prefer; cuts INFLAMMATIONDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDOM D’AGOSTINO | FULL SET: key points ketones benefit brain; suppress cancerDoctors To Trust
1 year agoAMBER O’HEARN | FULL SET: key points mTOR—manage it BEST with C A R N I V O R EDoctors To Trust
5 months agoBEN BIKMAN | TOP TEN 1 KETONES & PROTEIN shut down INFLAMMATION …original #1638DoctorsToTrust
2 months agoBEN BIKMAN h3 | Oxidative Stress when Glucose…glycation: kidney & heart disease; aging; Alzheimer’sDoctorsToTrust
2 days agoPAUL MASON classic | CORRUPTION HARMING HEALTH …nutrition ‘science’ fully corrupted by food & pharmaDoctorsToTrust
1 day agoJASON FUNG classic | LOW FAT FAD HARMFUL …big drug & food influence YOUR DOCTORDoctorsToTrust
5 days agoNADIR ALI | HIGH LDL? NOT UNHEALTHY …LDL critical to protect body from oxidative injuryDoctorsToTrust
1 month agoGEORGIA EDE | BRAIN ENERGY; CHEMISTRY …DAMAGED by carbs & seed oil cause of many challengesDoctorsToTrust
1 month agoBEN BIKMAN | CARBS & SEED OIL …converts BENIGN LDL into POISONOUS small dense LDLDoctorsToTrust
4 months agoELIZABETH BRIGHT | HIGH INTENSITY. …RECOVER BEST w/ HIGH ANIMAL FAT EATING: makes steroid hormonesDoctorsToTrust
4 months agoBEN BIKMAN | TOP HITS 14: RESISTANCE! …INSULIN, ineffective, WEAK; HOW TO OVERCOME!DoctorsToTrust