Florida State University: Preaching To The Masses And Eventually A Small Crowd Gathers As I Deal With A Gnostic Heckler -- At First The Crowd Is Generally Mocking And Then Sobers As The Holy Spirit Works
University at Buffalo: Rebuking An Arrogant Atheist, Wicked Fake Christians Defend Sin, Police Called, Crowd Swells, Homosexuals, Muslims, Lukewarm Christians, Atheists All Join Forces Against the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Crowd Descends Into Rabid Chaos
Penn State: 2 hour 30 second mark Bro Jeff and Professor Jon Aid Me In Drawing A Crowd of 40 Students, Hypocrite Defends His Sin Which Causes Crowd to Grow, Anointing Pours Out from Bro Jeff and Professor Jon, I Reprove Jews Over Their Talmud Toward End
Stony Brook Univ: Several One-on-Ones of Students Ready To Get Born Again, I Pray for Them, (Crowd Begins At 1hr13min mark) Later Draw a Large, Calm Crowd, Rebuke a MAGA Trump Student and He Humbles Himself, Preaching On What It Means To Totally Surrender
Univ of Massachusetts Amherst: Hard To Draw A Crowd At First, Then A Few Christians Approach Me, Soon Some Curious Sinners Pepper Me W/ Questions, Crowd Grows To 50 Students, Student Raise Hands, Remain Calm, A Wonderful Day Of Passover Preaching!
Univ of Connecticut: Long Haired Comedy Show Runner Helps Me Draw Massive Crowd, 120-150 Students, Crowd Remains Calm All Day, I Rebuke A Fake Missionary, One Young Woman Comes Under Tearful Conviction And I Gently Share The Gospel W/ Her, A Fantastic Day