6 months agoCTP (S1EJunSpecial4, 20240626) Sadia Carone (Professional Comedian) "Need For Humor" BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
11 months agoCTP (S1E33, 20240203 drop, BTS/SP) "Brain-Dead Folks 1 (that's a harsh title LOL)" BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
6 months agoCTP (S2EJulSpecial1, 20240704) "Through A Savaged America" w/ Michael Gardner BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
5 months agoCTP (S2EJulSpecial4, 20240724) Overcoming Adversity with Trent Brock BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
6 months agoCTP (S2E56, 20240713) Basic Economics (So Many STILL Do Not Grasp) BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
5 months agoCTP (S2EAugSpecial1, 20240807) "Seven Messages from the Master" w/ Terry Christian BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
6 months agoCTP (S2EJulSpecial2, 20240710) Chris Morehouse and Wisdom Of African Traditions BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
5 months agoCTP (S2EJulSpecial3, 20240717) "The Eternal Chronicles" Zachary Hagen joins BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit
1 year agoBTS/SNEAK CTP "Left's 7 D's" (S1E17-10/14/23) Guest Sardor Akhmedov (Economics / BIDENomics / BIDENflation / BIDENrecession)JLenardDetroit
6 months agoCTP (S1EJulSpecial2, 20240612) Andrew Thorp King and Learning From Failure BTS/SP VideoJLenardDetroit