R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Armed Forces Fellowship (Episode #4 -- February 18th, 2024). Topic: "Jewish Indian Lt. General Jack Farj Rafael Jacob P.V.S.M. (1921-2016), Chief Of Staff, Indian Army Eastern Command, Liberator of Bangladesh"
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Armed Forces Fellowship (Episode #6 -- Tuesday, April 30th, 2024). "Renewing the Military Doctrine of David King of Israel (Move Over Sun Tsu, von Clausewitz, de Seversky and Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart)"
Ep.339 CHUTKAN FOLDS! Elon To Remain At Helm Of DOGE! False Flag: Drone Armed w/Warhead Hits Chernobyl! Trump to Nationalize Federal Reserve? DC Panicking as Trump Shreds Bureaucracy: Searches Skyrocket For Lawyers, Offshore Bank Accounts, Statutes of Lim