1. Opening to the Solar Logos! Lyran Sirius Gateway ~ BECOMING ASCENDING MASTERS ~ Noble Eightfold Path

    Opening to the Solar Logos! Lyran Sirius Gateway ~ BECOMING ASCENDING MASTERS ~ Noble Eightfold Path

  2. Fix 3rd Dimension Issues & Ascend to 5D Earth - Buddhism 101 w/Von Galt

    Fix 3rd Dimension Issues & Ascend to 5D Earth - Buddhism 101 w/Von Galt

  3. Fix 3rd Dimension Issues & Ascend to 5D Earth - Buddhism 101 w/Von Galt

    Fix 3rd Dimension Issues & Ascend to 5D Earth - Buddhism 101 w/Von Galt

  4. Fix 3D Abundance Blocks, Get to 5D Ascension: 4 Noble Truths Explained

    Fix 3D Abundance Blocks, Get to 5D Ascension: 4 Noble Truths Explained

  5. Fix 3D Abundance Blocks, Get to 5D Ascension: 4 Noble Truths Explained

    Fix 3D Abundance Blocks, Get to 5D Ascension: 4 Noble Truths Explained

  6. The Noble Eightfold Path: Right Livelihood (5/8)

    The Noble Eightfold Path: Right Livelihood (5/8)

  7. The Noble Eightfold Path: Right Effort (6/8)

    The Noble Eightfold Path: Right Effort (6/8)
