1 year agoWednesday Cross stitch Review: WIP's, challenges & Happy mail. (Join me) #flosstube #crossstitchThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoLOTS of Cross Stitch talk. Summer stitching. (Don't miss this video.) #summerstitching #crossstitchThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoCross stitch review: Many treasures and a mystery 🧐 #crossstitch #stash #treasurehunting #stitchingThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoCross stitch, Happy mail, and wet hair. Welcome Sunmer stitching. #flosstube #crossstitch #craftsThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoThe Vintage Stitcher flosstube: Cross stitch updates. 😍 #crossstitch #flosstube #christmasmoviesalThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoThe Vintage Stitcher Flosstube: A missing cross stitch kit. 😢 #crossstitch #christmasinjulyThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoFriday Flosstube: Drowning in Cross stitch stash. What a way to go. #crossstitch #flosstube #stashThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoMonday Flosstube: A Cross stitch frenzy! Vintage style. #crossstitch #flosstube #christmasinjulyThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoHuge Cross stitch retreat announcement 💣 (Don't miss the early bird information) #crossstitchretreatThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoJune 2023 Flosstube: What has Jennie been cross stitching? 🤔 #crossstitch #flosstube #june juneThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoFriday Flosstube: Cross stitching & Christmas in July. 🎅🤶 #crossstitch #christmasinjuly #flosstubeThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoFlosstube Maynia #22 Car trip embroidery & Vintage Sampler Summer. #crossstitch #embroideryThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoCross stitch retreat Part #2. Stitching Progress and New Friends. #finallyafarmgirl #silvercreekThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoProduction sewing/stitching. Get more done. FAST! #sewing #cross-stitch #thevintagestitcherThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoFlosstube April 2023: Getting my Cross stitch organized. #crossstitch #flosstube #april #embroideryThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoMonday Flosstube: random cross stitch talk. Unbelievable amount of FFO'S. Don't miss this! #ffo'sThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoCross stitch retreat review. The complete haul and stash enhancement. #crossstitch #retreat #haulvintagearttie
1 year agoCross Stitch Maynia Day #12 Fluffing the Nest 🪹 🪺 #crossstitch #flosstube #maynia2023The Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoLost and found cross stitch treasures. Coffee Up friends, it is a long one. #crossstitch #flosstubeThe Vintage Stitcher
1 year agoMonday Funday: Cross stitch, embroidery, wool & finishes. #crossstitch #embroidery #wool #ffoThe Vintage Stitcher