1. The Birth of the United States - Spoken by Alex Collier (related info and links in description)

    The Birth of the United States - Spoken by Alex Collier (related info and links in description)

  2. Spoken Word Tuesday. We will hang on to the coattail of the wicked one, even if they’re falling! 🤔

    Spoken Word Tuesday. We will hang on to the coattail of the wicked one, even if they’re falling! 🤔

  3. Valley Bible Church July 17, 2022 The Four Saddest Words Ever Spoken"I Never Knew You" Matthew 7:21

    Valley Bible Church July 17, 2022 The Four Saddest Words Ever Spoken"I Never Knew You" Matthew 7:21

  4. Spoken Word Tuesday! Israel! Namely Judah! We must plead to the Father to have mercy upon us !🤔

    Spoken Word Tuesday! Israel! Namely Judah! We must plead to the Father to have mercy upon us !🤔
