Von Braun's Legacy - Dr. Carol Rosin, Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries in the 1970's on the Military Industrial Complex Extraterrestrials Wars - Disclosure Project Arch. She worked closely with Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. Contact; Consciousness, and the Human Future (2020) - Full Documentary. An Urgent Call to Humanity for Disobedience.
The Lost Century and How to Reclaim It (2023) | by Steven Greer -- 👉🏼👉🏼Find many more directly linked Dr. Greer and other related documentaries BELOW in the description👈🏼👈🏼
The Phenomenon (2020) Full Movie - The Responsibility That We Share With Each Other Is To Stop Collaborating. The moment when enough of us witdraw our collaboration from the globalist system, it has fallen, and humanity can live a life worth living for