(FIOS CENSORED) US DOD MARATHON! STARTING: Thurs.Jan30,-25! If you do nothing else this year: Watch this show on protecting ourselves from millions of Cross Border Sneak-Ins and fighting age foreign Terrorists and Military, Joe BIden brought to our door!
ON DEMAND! Oct.22,'24: Soros Fake News Election Rigging. His Courier Newsroom Fake News authoring center and Soros Foundation for a New America are rewriting the news to suit Soros's goals, utter fiction and cowardly ledger-domain.
ON DEMAND! Oct.22,'24: Soros Fake News Election Rigging. His Courier Fake News authoring center and Soros Foundation for a New America are rewriting the news to suit Soros's goals, utter fiction, cowardly ledger-domain! Host: Glen Macko