5 months ago📢👀Psychology, Behavioral Management, Social Engineering • Sounds like MindF#ckery to me •🕞1h 38mPage Chronicles
1 year agoAlan Watt - The Controllers - Episode 9 - "Bertrand Russell" - Dec. 13, 2023Cutting Through the Matrix
1 year agoAlan Watt - The Controllers - Episode 9 - "Bertrand Russell" - Dec. 13, 2023Cutting Through the Matrix
1 year agoAlan Watt - Redux 126 - "Along Comes a Big Spider and Gobbles You Up" - Sept. 10, 2023Cutting Through the Matrix
1 year agoAlan Watt - Redux 126 - "Along Comes a Big Spider and Gobbles You Up" - Sept. 10, 2023Cutting Through the Matrix