General Flynn | Is Bird Flu On the Way Just In Time for Election Season? “Gold Is Headed For $3000, Says Citi” - WSJ (4/16/24) | Is a Global Financial Shift to Occur? 161 Tix Remain for June 7-8 Detroit, ReAwaken Tour + 9 Updates
Bird Flu | "Bird Flu Is Widening Reach. Maps Show Counties Affected By the Outbreak." - USA Today (7/19/24) | Who Is Investing In mRNA Tech, Transhumanism, A.I. & Great Reset Tech? + BRICS & Shift In Global Order
The HSBC Global Rothschild Empire Bank of Pirates SCANDAL - Tax Evasion, Money Laundering for the Mafia, Currency Manipulation & the Global Power Shift from Rothschild USA Corp. to Rothschild China