Dr. Stella Immanuel | Are Hyperinflation, Famines & Bank Bail-Ins Around the Corner?! Are the 7 Seals Referenced In Revelation Chapter 6 Being Opened Now? How CBCDs, Luciferase and Quantum Dots Will Be Used to Build Digital Dictatorships
LIVE! Sat.Dec.14,'24 PART THREE 8pm/2:40am/9:20am ET: The Democrats Weaponized the IRS. We are their targets, Tyranny and Election Rigging are their objectives. They want our assets, so as to disable our rights and beliefs!
Lt. Mark Robinson Is the Leading Conservative Candidate Running for Governor of North Carolina | "They Call Us the Right. We Sit On the Right. We Are Right. We Are Right About Every Single Issue." - Mark Robinson (June 21st 2024)
BRICS | MUST WATCH | Why Did Putin Say? "The West Is Sawing Off the Branch On Which It Has Been Sitting." Dedollarization Explained By: Putin, Bannon, Trump, Kiyosaki, Malmgren, Werner, Harari, Schectman, Soros, Carstens & Bet-David
Revelation | The Great Reset's Connection to the Book of Revelation, Daniel, Famine, Hyper-Inflation, CRISPR, CERN, mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology, BRICS & Yuval Noah Harari (SEE SHOW DESCRIPTION)