1 month agoJeremiah 17:10 - I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according..Bible - Glorious Verses
2 days agoBible Study with Fred, 1Timothy, chapter 5, verses 17 to 25, part two, the elders that ruleBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 days agoBible Study with Fred, 1Timothy, chapter 5, verses 17 to 25, part one, the elders that ruleBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
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1 month agoProverbs 19:17 - Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what...Bible - Glorious Verses
8 months agoMatthew - Chapter 5 DAILY BIBLE STUDY {Spoken Word - Text - Red Letter Edition}DAILY BIBLE INSPIRATIONVerified
26 days agoNEW CLUES For Healthcare ASSASSIN! $10K REWARDOFFICIAL Jovan Hutton Pulitzer RumbleVerified
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1 month agoBible Study with Fred: Proverbs 17:12-14; don't reward evil for goodBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
8 months agoMatthew - Chapter 6 DAILY BIBLE STUDY {Spoken Word - Text - Red Letter Edition}DAILY BIBLE INSPIRATIONVerified
8 days agoFather God who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.60seconds4jesus
19 days agoBible Study with Fred; 2Peter 2:10-22; Part One, Peter continues to preach against false teachersBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
18 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Peter 2, verses 10 to 22; part two, false teachers cont.Bible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
10 months agoThe Bible Day 32: Examining Whether We Can Trust God? (Proverbs 3:21-35, Matt 21:18-32, Job 22-24)Campbellfamily07
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9 days agoCOLD READING of the Bible 0014 - Genesis 14: Abram Rescues Lot ~ A Gen-Xer ReactsThe Decision
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