1. Why does it matter that YOU stand on the word, and on the LORD Jesus, and stumble over it?

    Why does it matter that YOU stand on the word, and on the LORD Jesus, and stumble over it?

  2. Use Discernment over Receiving PROPHETIC Words about the AntiChrist and Return of JESUS!

    Use Discernment over Receiving PROPHETIC Words about the AntiChrist and Return of JESUS!

  3. The Church Leaders delegate authority over its people, and not Apparel!

    The Church Leaders delegate authority over its people, and not Apparel!

  4. Do not be concerned about who opposes YOU, because it is the LORD who shakes the heavens and earth!

    Do not be concerned about who opposes YOU, because it is the LORD who shakes the heavens and earth!

  5. God will Remember YOU, and he has not FORGOTTEN You!

    God will Remember YOU, and he has not FORGOTTEN You!

  6. The LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!

    The LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!

  7. If GOD Said it, then He Will DO It, and there is NOTHING that Can STOP It!

    If GOD Said it, then He Will DO It, and there is NOTHING that Can STOP It!

  8. Jesus is our Intercessor, and our atoning sacrifice for our sins!

    Jesus is our Intercessor, and our atoning sacrifice for our sins!

  9. You can have Absolute Assurance that the LORD will answer your prayers, and Move on your behalf!

    You can have Absolute Assurance that the LORD will answer your prayers, and Move on your behalf!

  10. The Lord Responds to the PRAYERS of God's People, and NOT the Wicked!

    The Lord Responds to the PRAYERS of God's People, and NOT the Wicked!

  11. There may be a DELAY in your BREAKTHROUGH. But, YOU will BREAKTHROUGH to Help other people!

    There may be a DELAY in your BREAKTHROUGH. But, YOU will BREAKTHROUGH to Help other people!

  12. You can have Joy recalling those YOU prayed for Day and Night!

    You can have Joy recalling those YOU prayed for Day and Night!

  13. What kind of Legacy are YOU going to build that will glorify the NAME of the LORD Jesus?

    What kind of Legacy are YOU going to build that will glorify the NAME of the LORD Jesus?

  14. The LORD Jesus wants EVERYONE to have an Opportunity to be Saved before his Return!

    The LORD Jesus wants EVERYONE to have an Opportunity to be Saved before his Return!

  15. You are NOT Useless to GOD, and need to TUNE into the KINGDOM to be USED by God!

    You are NOT Useless to GOD, and need to TUNE into the KINGDOM to be USED by God!

  16. Did YOU know that You can be set free from the immoral desires of the world, because of JESUS?

    Did YOU know that You can be set free from the immoral desires of the world, because of JESUS?

  17. Be obedient to Authorities and Leaders under your care, and not act like the WORLD!

    Be obedient to Authorities and Leaders under your care, and not act like the WORLD!

  18. The goal at the end of the day is not about performance. It is about loving MORE People!

    The goal at the end of the day is not about performance. It is about loving MORE People!

  19. The LORD wants YOU to excel in such a way that brings Gratitude to him in Every Way!

    The LORD wants YOU to excel in such a way that brings Gratitude to him in Every Way!

  20. Do NOT Focus on the things of this World, and set your eyes on the LORD Jesus!

    Do NOT Focus on the things of this World, and set your eyes on the LORD Jesus!

  21. Stop judging, stop condemning, forgive, give and God will bless you with Good measure.

    Stop judging, stop condemning, forgive, give and God will bless you with Good measure.

  22. It is out of God's LOVE for us that we ought to love ONE ANOTHER, and look out for each other!

    It is out of God's LOVE for us that we ought to love ONE ANOTHER, and look out for each other!

  23. There is a Joy when the incarnate word is made manifest among believers in Unity!

    There is a Joy when the incarnate word is made manifest among believers in Unity!
