A Doctors Response to Trump’s First Moves: W.H.O. and FDA - Dr. Troy Spurrill; A REAL-LIFE Approach to Health and Wellness Transformation - Kellie Kuecha Moitt | FOC Show
DeDollarization | Monkeypox Global Emergency + The Collapse of the Dollar + Why Won't Andrew Sorchini Offer FREE Rectal Monkeypox Exams With Every Free Consultation At www.BH-PM.com?
Andy Schectman | SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Andy Schectman | Will President Trump Eliminate Federal Income Tax? Will the Price of Gold Soar? What Are Stablecoins? What Is XRP? What Is the Future of Money?
Unique Insights of President Trump; AG Tish James Threatened Doctors; Inside the Hunter Trial - Breanna Morello; 63 Banks on Verge of Failure while BRICS Nations are on the Rise! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show