20 days agoFull custom Glock 19 compact - walk through of my plans for this build with many premium partsjrmotorsports55
3 months agoCustom Revolver Cerakote | 2 Tone H Series FS Green/Armor Black - Smith and Wesson 686Accurate Rifles and Restorations
17 days agoFull custom Glock 19 compact - the build is complete. Updates on a few problems & the Gideon opticjrmotorsports55
17 days agoFull custom Glock 19 compact - update on the status of this build and the custom work done so farjrmotorsports55
5 months agoCustom Chameleon Cerakote Glock 19 Review: FFL Transfer Service Explained!Gulf Group Weapons
15 days agoFull custom Glock 19 compact - final wrap up after a trip to the range. Analysis and what's next.jrmotorsports55
6 months agoMossberg 590 Thunder Ranch: First Range Time with Clint Smith’s Ultimate Defense Shotgun! #1531Gun Stock Reviews