THIS CAN BE STOPPED PEOPLE!! STOP YOUR COLLABORATION!! Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: Weaponized 5G Pulsating Microwaves Caught in the Act While We Are ALL Sleeping! THE CRIME CAUGHT ON NEXRAD
ON DEMAND! Sun.Jul.14,'24: Shyster AG Merrick Garland is a Pathological Liar! He is two faced, a complete phony. We track him through his worst criminal behavior and show how he Weaponized the US Justice Department, against Trump and America.
ON DEMAND! Remastered Sun.Jul.14,'24: Shyster-AG Merrick Garland is a Pathological Liar! He is two faced, a complete phony. We track him through his worst criminal behavior and show how he Weaponized the US Justice Department, against Trump and Ameri